Keynote Speaker Mr. Clarence Bozeman, Personal Driver for the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, gives an Inspirational Speech at the 2024 Detroit Alumni Chapter Annual Founders Day Luncheon

On April 27, 2024, The Detroit Alumni Chapter hosted their annual Founders Day brunch at Joy Manor in Livonia Michigan. The keynote speaker was Mr. Clarence Bozeman, a 1962 Alum who had the honor of being the personal driver for the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr for two years. His time spent with Dr. King was priceless because he had a deep personal relationship with him. Dr. King imparted much wisdom and knowledge with Mr. Bozeman as he was taking him to speak and churches and demonstrations during the civil rights era of the 1960s. During his presentation, Mr. Bozeman told personal stories about Dr. and Mrs. King trials and tribulations regarding the attempted bombing on the King home and how Mrs. King saved her children’s lives when she decided to move them to a back bedroom after hearing loud thud on their porch.
The loud noise was a bomb that destroyed the front of their home. While he was driving Dr. King, he was able to engage in stimulating discussion, especially after Dr. King started to talk in his sleep when he dozed off after speaking at a church one Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bozeman elbowed Dr. King to wake him up. Dr. King asked Mr. Bozeman what he said while he was sleep talking and, Mr. Bozeman responded that what he said was between him and GOD. Before he was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee on April 4th, 1968, Mr. Bozeman said that Dr. King gave his own eulogy two months prior. The song “Precious Lord Take My Hand, Lead Me On” was derived from an incident that happened to a friend of his whose wife and unborn son died while he was away on a business trip.
Overall, the event was a huge success because it was the first one since the pandemic of 2020 that raised money for students who are currently attending Alabama State University. The dais consisted of Chapter President Latoya-Hall King who presided over ceremonies, Past Chapter President Dr. Robert Bryant, Midwest Regional president James Catledge, Chapter Secretary Mornike Hood with new member Jumar Motley giving an inspirational speech about the history of Alabama State University.

Mr. Bozeman is a 1962 graduate of Alabama State University, where he earned a bachelor’s in American history and social studies. As a student Mr. Bozeman was an active civil rights demonstrator and readily marched on the campus of Alabama State. Mr. Bozeman received a master’s degree in education administration from Fordham University in New York City. He earned an Education Specialist degree from Cleveland State University. He was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from Wilberforce University. Mr. Bozeman has traveled the country lecturing on the theories of civil rights and the trials and tribulations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Currently he is a retired educator and principal of East Cleveland’s Shaw High School and has lectured at churches, colleges, and universities on the history of the Civil Rights Movement
Mr. Bozeman is a living treasure and, a Life Member of Beta Zeta Chapter. Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity.

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